sábado, 15 de junio de 2013

assignment 7.1 - beta/final prototype

[ my artifact ]

the Tplus.

[ the prototype ]

I built a digital prototype since I didn't have the tools to build a full size table. You can see below 3 different pictures from 3 different positions of the table, but there could be other and not necessarily in this order.

1. smallest position.

2. expanding in one direction.

3. expanding in the other direction.

Since I didn't build a real prototype, I decided to go deeper in the details of how it is actually built. The steel frame is made of U telescopic bars: they are U's so the expansible top can attach to the structure through the open side of the frame, and they are telescopic in order to allow its own expansion. 

This is the explanation of the main feature of the table, in cased you missed it from my my last week's assignment

[ my gap ]

An addition to my table that allows me to switch the use of the table instantly, adapting to my needs even if they are constantly changing.

Primary user needs:
1. The table allows me organize my tasks in a better way.
2. The table changes its use instantly.
3. The table adapts to the existing furniture.
4. The table adapts to my needs even if they are constantly changing.
5. The table has a unique and versatile design.
6. The table is easy to use.
7. The table is built with respectful construction methods.

[ next steps ]

Since I don't have the skills to build artifacts, just designing them, I figured my next step would be sending the plans and drawings of my prototype to the person who will actually build it for me. In this case it would be  the person that works with steel [in spanish the translation would be "locksmith", but I'm not sure about that].
I would check with him the dimensions of the bars, and the system I thought for the table top to change its size. This way i would make sure that my artifact could work. After that [and possible redefines of the plans] the beta prototype would actually be built!

domingo, 9 de junio de 2013

assignment 6.1 - alpha prototype

[ the gap ]

An addition to my table that allows me to switch the use of the table instantly, adapting to my needs even if they are constantly changing.

[ images/photos/ things I'm working on ]

system explanation

[ explanation of the prototype ]

This week I did further research on how the table would work. Since it is a big artifact and I don't have the physical tools to build a prototype, I am working with the digital tools I'm used to.
So this week instead of building an Alpha prototype, I redefined and readjust my design with plans and drawings of how it is going to be built for next week's prototype.

For the structure, I designed telescopic steel bars that will allow the table to grow or get smaller in two directions. This is also why I had the need of investigation movements in two different directions (stretch, pull...).
I came up with the idea of re-using the structure of a steel table mat, but in the whole table top. The image above is a reference of how it would work in the short axis, but you can see it better defined in the plans I've also uploaded.
In the long axis of the table, I will just have different layers of this "stretching structure", and through the telescopic bars it will be possible to expand the table and adjust it in a fixed way.

domingo, 2 de junio de 2013

assignment 5.1 - concept testing - one concept

[ B. stretching-wheels ]

I used the "forced choice" method to pick what concept to develop. For that I interviewed 5 of my closest friends/colleagues.
Most of them thought that the option "B.stretching-wheels" was the one that met the needs in a better way. They agreed in the fact that it was the clearest solution, and that it adapted in a better way to the existing table.
The other two options seemed more confusing, being the second choice the "J.side-pull+unfold" since it could be moved to any part of the table. The third and last choice was the "I.folded stack", being the most misunderstood by the users.
The only objections to the chosen option that I will have to improve in the next days, where the material of the surface. Im already working on it, since it has to be some kind of flexible material that when stretched turns into a rigid material.

viernes, 24 de mayo de 2013

assignment 4.1 - concept selection - 3 concepts

[ my gap redifined by last week's assignments ]
An addition to my table that allows me to switch the use of the table instantly, adapting to my needs even if they are constantly changing.

[ primary user needs ]
1. The table allows me organize my tasks in a better way.
2. The table changes its use instantly.
3. The table adapts to the existing furniture.
4. The table adapts to my needs even if they are constantly changing.
5. The table has a unique and versatile design.
6. The table is easy to use.
7. The table is built with respectful construction methods.

[ my concept selection matrix ]

assignment 4.2 - prototyping - 3 concepts

[ my gap redifined by last week's assignments ]
An addition to my table that allows me to switch the use of the table instantly, adapting to my needs even if they are constantly changing.

[ primary user needs ]
1. The table allows me organize my tasks in a better way.
2. The table changes its use instantly.
3. The table adapts to the existing furniture.
4. The table adapts to my needs even if they are constantly changing.
5. The table has a unique and versatile design.
6. The table is easy to use.
7. The table is built with respectful construction methods.

[ concept sketches ]

[ B. stretching-wheels ]

[ I. folded stack ]

[ J. side-pull+unfold ]

viernes, 17 de mayo de 2013

assignment 3.1 - exploration (10 concepts)

[ my gap redifined by last week's assignments ]
An addition to my table that allows me to switch the use of the table instantly, adapting to my needs even if they are constantly changing.

[ primary user needs ]
1. The table allows me organize my tasks in a better way.
2. The table changes its use instantly.
3. The table adapts to the existing furniture.
4. The table adapts to my needs even if they are constantly changing.
5. The table has a unique and versatile design.
6. The table is easy to use.
7. The table is built with respectful construction methods.

[ decomposition - latent needs ]
I focused on a few latent needs I considered on my design, to help me out on my exploration. Im not posting all the sketches I did, just the basic ideas on each one.

[ concept sketches ]

assignment 3.2 - two point perspective