sábado, 11 de mayo de 2013

assignment 2.2 - user needs

[ refinement of the gap ]
An addition to my table that allows me to switch the use of the table instantly, adapting to my needs even if they are constantly changing.

[ interviewing the user ]
For my research and collecting of raw material, I interviewed my roomate and also few colleagues from work and college. We are all about the same age, but found two different kind of user: some of them just worked with a computer, and the others, architects+designers, had much more working material. Either way, they both found each other with the same space problem: they always occupy all the surface they can while working, no matter what, but then it is annoying having to pick it all up to just have dinner or tea with friends... and right after they have to go back to work, spreading again all the material they needed. The main problem was that they all wanted to use a table in a proper way, but ended up having dinner or breakfast at the kitchen counter or at the coffee table, and it seemed to be all a matter of lazyness!
They surely gave me some highlights on what would they like best to make out of a simple table a much more useful surface (and in an easier less-annoying way!)

The table allows me organize my tasks in a better way.
! The table gives me the possibility of fixing my working material in specific spots on the table.
The tables has a free and clean surface.
The table gives me the possibility of limiting the amount of surface I occupy while working.
The table allows me to have the objects I need closer to me.
! The table gives me the possibility of combining different tasks at the same time.
The table allows me to share my working space with somebody else, even if they are doing a completely different thing.

! The table changes its use instantly.
The table is cleaned up fast and easily.
The table is picked up to a point that there is no way to understand what the use is.
The table allows me to pick it up partially, in order to combine different requirements.
! The table is cleaned up without changing the location of each thing I have on the surface, in order for me to go back to what I was doing faster.
The table has different parts that I can add/remove/move easily to multiply/specify the uses.
The table satisfies several uses without having an specific one.

!The table adapts to the existing furniture. 
The table has parts that can be added to existing furniture.
The table has parts that adapt to existing furniture of several measurements.
The table doesn't occupy an extra-space, it uses the existing room.

The table adapts to my needs even if they are constantly changing.
! The table allows me to hide things to the eyesight when needed.
The table allows me to show things to the eyesight when needed.
The table multiplies its surface fast and easy.

The table has a unique and versatile design.
The table is personalized.
The table has a unique design that allows to understand it as a decoration object.
The table is lightweight.
The table has a neutral appearance in order to not look as if it was made for an specific use.
The table is assembled/disassembled easily.
! The table allows different ways of assembly to reach different design options.
The table has different assembly possibilities but always with the same pieces.
The table has a solid design.
The table can be used in a student apartment but also in a family house.

The table is easy to use.
The table doesn't need instructions for its use.
! The table is assembled without tools.

The table is built with respectful construction methods.
The table doesn't have high construction prices.
The table is made of recycled elements.
The table can be recycled.
The table is affordable.

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